Post by Smokeleaf on Dec 31, 2009 15:57:23 GMT -5
Starrystar did not understand how throwing dirt at rocks and making turnips happy would save the flowers, but it sounded like fun. "Hey, all you cats! Especially Mudpie and Dirtface! Come help throw dirt at the rocks!" Starrystar picked up some of Anchovy and threw him at a rock. Hm. The rock did look happier. His name was Spinach.
ooc: This is so nonsensical. I like it. This is also more active than most of the regular roleplay threads.
Post by [[ShAdYCaUStI]] on Jan 1, 2010 16:09:48 GMT -5
ooc;; I agree, luv. Actually, I think I'm going to go into the admin stuff and see if I have the dealie that changes it so nothing in the Free RP counts as post-count.
bic:: Everybody was throwing dirt and rocks and turnips and naming rocks and Eyeshadow-pi thought the rocks looked cold and that maybe they should try setting the rocks on fire.
"Hey Cigarettelighter! Come help me set the rocks on fire! Maybe they are cold!" she said, and Spinach spontaneously combusted.
Post by [[ShAdYCaUStI]] on Jan 7, 2010 22:39:15 GMT -5
Everything was fine until Idiotstar of Stupidclan showed up and started dancing an Irish jig on top of the spontaneously combusting rocks, which promptly picked up posters and started picketing and demanding legal rights.
Post by Smokeleaf on Jan 9, 2010 14:26:37 GMT -5
Starrystar had never seen a strike before, but it looked like fun. "Hey, everybody, let's go on strike, too!" They didn't have any signs, so she promptly picked up a turnip and began flinging it through the air. "Yay! This is fun!"
Post by [[ShAdYCaUStI]] on Jan 14, 2010 17:20:16 GMT -5
Eyeshadow-pi joined the strike and decided that pieces of spontaneously-combusted rocks made good signs, so she began juggling them, and they continued spontaneously combusting until she remembered that she did not know how to juggle, upon which thought all the fragments of spontaneously-combusted rocks promply landed on her head. "OW!" she said. "That was not nice. We should give the rocks obedience classes!"
Post by {Lightspring} on Jan 17, 2010 2:11:16 GMT -5
Uglyshoe gaped at the scene, her blue and orange fur doing the macarena. This was going all wrong! The rocks were combusting over here instead of over there where they needed to be! With a startled screech she leapt on top of one of the picket signs, attempting to drag it into a suddenly appearing river. "This way, Anchovy! Civil rights will be found!"
Post by Smokeleaf on Feb 23, 2010 0:28:17 GMT -5
"What are you doing, Uglyshoe?!?" Starrystar wailed. "Why are you moving those rocks? They want civil RIGHTS, not LEFTS! Move them back!!!"
Post by [[ShAdYCaUStI]] on Feb 26, 2010 10:35:51 GMT -5
EyeshadowPi considered spontaneously combusting, but changed her mind when she saw Uglyshoe's orange fur dancing the macarena. "WE PUT THE RIGHT PAW IN, WE PUT TEH RIGHT PAW OUT," she began singing as loudly as she could, mixing the traditional words with cries of, "CIVIL RIGHTS FOR STICKS AND STONES!" Cigarettelighter tacklegomped her because she was getting annoying.
Post by {Lightspring} on Apr 11, 2010 11:20:18 GMT -5
((Usin' this half to post and half to apologize for my poofness. School's eatin' at my face, so I've had NO time to do much of anything...D: SORRY!))
Uglyshoe shook her head, small particles of odor-neutralizer flying from her ears. "No, civil lefts are completely different if you gargle vanilla pudding on a Wednesday!" she informed all of the pitifully wrong cats. Seeing Lightbulb floating gave her an idea, and Uglyshoe drifted into the air, paws flailing. "We have to get the magical amulet to the banana king or the rocks will lose their combustion powers!"
Teh flying cat ^^
Posts: 141
Post by Molten on Apr 11, 2010 16:54:48 GMT -5
(( OMG THAT WAS RANDOM!! And funny because I gotz a wallet today that has Charlie the Unicorn saying, "I am the banana king!" lol!! ))
Lightbulb floated again. "I know where it is!!" and flew and found a rotting turning shaped like a banana. "Yay! We shall show this to the banana king!!"
Post by Smokeleaf on Apr 14, 2010 20:17:22 GMT -5
ooc: umm... I don't even know what to say... this is so weird... bic:
Starrystar was shocked and Uglyshoe's cruel words. Well, that was one cat who would never be a deputy! Or was she already? Starrystar forgot. "Well," she scoffed, utterly taken aback, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!" Suddenly, all the sticks and stones around her spotaneously combusted. Admittedly, it did break a few bones.
Teh flying cat ^^
Posts: 141
Post by Molten on May 6, 2010 21:26:41 GMT -5
(( Whoa.. I REALLY don't know how to respond t that! xDD))